What are your favorite things for Myspace?

Friday, June 20, 2008


MySpace performed cosmetic surgery across its browser and profile pages Wednesday.

What’s better: There are fewer sections on the homepage, with some other elements hidden in tabs, and more rounded corners. Members can more easily rearrange applications on their profiles, and site navigation has been improved.

What’s not: The massive ad space on the homepage is overpowering, even more than the takeovers were before. The notifications settings that can lead to email overload haven’t been fixed, so it’s still an all or nothing opt-in approach. Lastly, it’s still MySpace, and while it’s extraordinarily popular, there’s a vocal contingent of former members who have moved on. If you’re in that camp, this isn’t enough to make you come back.

Value for consumers: Consumers who are into MySpace will generally appreciate the tweaks, though the overpowering branding on the homepage could be a minor turnoff.

Impact for marketers: There’s more visibility on the homepage, though you could still do homepage takeovers before. The profile ad space hasn’t changed.

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