What are your favorite things for Myspace?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pimp My Profile

As some of you might know, Pimp-My-Profile.biz has been out of the Google rankings. Why, you may ask.... I have no clue! Anyways, it has been about a week or so and can say that I am back...

I have no idea what my rankings are anymore, all I know is Pimp-My-Profile is back in the Google index!!

Anyways, I have posted another poll for you all to participate in :) Not really a Myspace poll (sorta kinda is I guess) but I am just curious of how old my users are :)

I will try to get back later today to post some more but in the meantime, keep coming to the blog and don't forget to visit Pimp-My-Profile.biz and check out the rock graphics!!

Here are some freebie music skins for ya... Hope you enjoy!!


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